The Saudi Ministry of Interior imposes a fine of 20K SR for publishing this videos

Today, the Saudi Ministry of Interior announced the imposition of a fine of 20,000 riyals on anyone who publishes surveillance camera clips without obtaining the approval of the competent authorities.
This decision came within the framework of efforts aimed at protecting the privacy of individuals and preventing the misuse of surveillance cameras.
إقرأ ايضاً:لهذا السبب .. التجارة تستدعي 333 سيارة "تويوتا كورولا""لا للعطش" تعرف على الأطعمة والمشروبات التي تحافظ على رطوبتك في رمضان
This decision includes a violation of publishing surveillance camera clips on social media or any other platforms.
This step is considered important in protecting the privacy of individuals, as publishing surveillance camera clips without the approval of the competent authorities may lead to privacy violations, such as publishing personal photos or video clips without the consent of their owners.
This step confirms the commitment of the Saudi Ministry of Interior to protecting the privacy of individuals and preventing the misuse of surveillance cameras for purposes other than their intended use.
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